Tuesday, September 10, 2013

So this is what it's like being pregnant again.......

So after trying for a year we are pregnant again! The baby is due March 25 , 2014. It has been a completely different experience this time around.  Pretty much everything makes me sick and keeping food down is a struggle.  When I was pregnant with Carter I do remember being sick but I never threw up. It seems like more smells and foods seem to set me off. So that is eggs, peanut butter, cheese, tomatoes, potatoes, fruit, and the list is continually growing.  I am almost out of the first trimester , so I am hoping that I will start to feel better. One thing that has saved my life is crock pot dinners. Otherwise it would be everybody for themselves. Tyler and I have tried to talk to Carter about having a baby , and I pointed to my stomach and said baby, but all Carter says is , " No I baby".  So maybe when I get bigger he will figure it out more. Carter is almost 3 and I can't believe it.   We have started to introduce the potty but I can't say that he is especially fond of it. I went to the store and let him pick out a sponge bob seat, since that seems to be the show he likes these days.  We love sponge bob , but we really hate our sponge bob seat. So I think training will be put on hold for a little while longer.   Carter loves , loves playing in the dirt. We haven't planted any flowers or plants yet , so he will put sticks in the mud or make mud piles. So we decided it was time for Carter to have a sandbox.  My parents came down and brought down some sand and a truck, and we love playing in our new sand pile. Tyler has decided he wants to grow a beard, so far it has been coming in good.  Tyler read that you need to wait at least 6 weeks before trimming your beard but he has been shaving by his neck.  Because there is a fine line between having a professional beard and looking like Mr T :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Growing up!!!

Carter is almost 2 and I can hardly believe it. Where does the time go? He is starting to become a sassy little boy.  He loves Graham Crackers I really hate to admit this , but we are already on box number 2 . He eats them like candy.  Some of our favorite things to say now are fish, cracker, milk, uh oh.  If anybody is eating food you should expect a little baby raccoon to steal some of your food as well.  Every year we go into the woods to "hunt" a Christmas tree. Carter is finally big enough that he is starting to know better what is going on. Now that the tree is in our house and decorated it has become the perfect toy for Carter.  He likes to back into it so that all the tree branches tickle him.  We also ordered his presents online and I made the mistake of wrapping one of them. It has become the perfect seat for us. Carter will sit on it and use the present so that he can reach the balls on the tree. I had to remove all the balls that were closer on the bottom because Carter kept taking them off the tree and throwing them. Our new favorite game is hide and seek. Daddy will take carter in the hall and I will hide behind the couch or coffee table.  Carter comes running out  laughing like crazy. He gets really scared because he knows at any minute I could come and growl at him.  He could play this game all day. But our place isn't especially spacious so there are limited places to hide. We just love him so much. He makes me laugh all the time. We thought we were going to have another baby but it didn't work out. Which it has been pretty hard. That is the way it goes . I guess it just wasn't the right time.  So we'll see when the next one comes.  For now I'm just having fun watching Carter grow and learn everyday.  I love my fella and we love our DADA.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So it has been an embarrassing amount of time since I have last written. Carter is now 1. Which is crazy I can't believe how fast time flies. It seems like the other day he was my little baby. Now he is my sassy active little boy.  We rented a room at our apartment complex and invited both our families. I made a dinosaur cake. But Carter was more interested in smooshing it around on his tray. Everybody helped out and it was a great party. We even made Cafe Rio. Which was especially delicious.  We moved into a bigger apartment.  It has 2 bedrooms and a bigger living room/ kitchen.  The  University of Utah apartments was a good first place to live but we are definitely loving the new found space. Carter especially loves having his own room to explore and throw his toys around.  There is also a patio where I can start my square foot garden. Which I am really exited about! Tyler is finally graduating this spring. We are soooo exited.  It is the best day of our lives. He will still be working for the Bureau of land Management.  But we will most likely be moving to Price in 6 months.  It will be a huge change considering we have been living in the city for so long. But it should be nice to get out into the country. So we'll see what happens.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

5 almost 6 months!

I cant believe how fast time has gone by. Carter will be 6 months on the 26th! He is growing and changing every day. Some of the things he can do now is sit up . We are still working on that one. He is a little bit wobbly but its getting better. He can hold his head up, roll over both ways. Im not sure if babies usually do this, but he crawls on his back. The hair on the back of his head isn't as thick as it use to be. One of his favorite things to do is crawl on his back to my afghan and get his fingers tangled in it. Its really funny to watch. He likes making all kinds of sounds now and blows bubbles with his mouth. I think daddy taught him that one. I cant believe how wiggly he is. He is always kicking his feet like crazy. I guess that isn't that surprising because he was like that in my stomach as well. He is still sleeping from 10 until 7 in the morning which is really nice. Getting up in the middle of the night is really hard. Once he is asleep there is no waking him up. I think he got that from his mommy. When Tyler gets up Carter is usually in his bed kicking and grabbing his feet. Or playing with his bears on his pack and play. When daddy walks by he gets really exited because he hopes that someone will pick him up. Tyler has to get ready for work so he goes straight to the bathroom, so then Carter starts to make this whimper like why wont you pick me up. He is going to have his check up this Friday so we'll see how fat his has gotten. Last time he was 13 pounds so i'm hoping he'll be at least 14 or 15 pounds but we'll see ;) .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

1 month old

carter is now 1 month old! He can hold up his head up a little bit now. We also put him on his belly the other day and he started to move his feet and arms like he was going to crawl. My muffin is getting so big!

midnight scare

so we have a 35 gallon fish tank with all kinds of fish. Tyler and I like getting crazy fish. We really wanted to get a crab or something crazy like that but they are super mean and can eat your other fish. One day when we were at the pet store we found a bamboo shrimp. The great thing about her is she is big enough so she wont get eaten by any of our other fish and she filter feeds so she eats whatever is in the water. We decided to name her Antoinette. On the top of our tank it is open. We use to have dojo loaches but unfortunately they committed suicide and jumped out of the tank. Well one morning at like 3 I came out into the living room to change and feed carter and i found Antoinette on the floor. I thought for sure she was a gonner. Especially after what had happened to our dojo loaches. I went to touch her and to my surprise she jumped at me scaring me half to death. I screamed and Tyler came out he thought something bad had happened. I tried to scope her up with a spoon but she kept jumping around. Tyler was finally able to scope her up and put her back into the tank. After that we were forced to take drastic measures and cover the open parts on the top of the tank. We also made it impossible to escape even where the food drops. there is no way we are having any more fish escape!

Monday, February 28, 2011

our little nugget

So I had started my weekly appointments with my doctor. About 2 weeks ago my doctor told me that I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She didn't think that I was going to make it to my next doctors appointment. She said that I had a look on my face like I am so done with being pregnant. That was when I was 37 weeks along. So I told my work that I would work until Wednesday and then I needed to go. So the week went by and surprise I did make it to my next doctors appointment. She didn't seem all that surprised to see me again. My doctor checked the baby and his heart rate was good. I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. She told me the same story as last week. I probably wouldn't make until next week....but still you never know when the baby could come. At this point Tyler and I were getting really anxious. But I was able to find things at home to do. I cleaned the house and crocheted a hat and a cocoon wrap for baby to keep him warm. On Friday Sharron called us and told us that they were getting sealed in the temple on Saturday and were wondering if I was going to be in labor. I told her that I most likely would not be and we would be able to make it. Later that night I started to get contractions. We started to write them down but they weren't very consistent. They were anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes apart and then towards the end they stopped. Which is also what happened the night before. So we decided to just go to bed. We packed up the rest of our stuff in our suite case just in case baby decided to come. We were only in bed for about an hour and a half when I woke up and told Tyler that either I had an accident in the bed or my water had broke. that was at 1 in the morning. We weren't sure if my water had actually broken because there wasn't that much water on the bed. But whenever i stood up it kept coming. We looked in the book but couldnt find much information about when your water broke. But we decided that was what had happened. We got to the hospital and checked in. They put us in a delivery room and Tyler and I started to watch Lord of the Rings. They checked me to make sure my water had broken and put 2 ties around my belly. To monitor baby heart and my contractions. We waited until a was more dilated . It took forever for me to get dilated to a 4 and then after that it went really fast. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me an epidural. He had to put it in take it out and put it in again 3 times. I guess it just didnt want to go in the spot that it needed to be. It was pretty painful. But after he finally got it in I started to feel much better. I was a little disappointed that you could only push the button every 15 minutes to get more medicine. There were times when I wanted to push it more. So when I was finally fully dilated they moved me from my left to my right for pushing. Which I am glad they did the moving around helped a lot. It also made it easier for baby to start moving down more. Carters heart beat kept dropping every time I would push so we had to wait a little bit for him to recover. We found out that the reason that his heart beat kept dropping was because he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. So they had to cut me and give me an episiotomy so that in the next couple of pushes I could get carter out. The epidural started to wear off towards the end so the last little bit was pretty painful. But they were able to get carter out. They cleaned him up a little and let me hold him. He cried a little bit at first but when they were cleaning him up i got worried because he wasn't crying. He has been like that pretty much the whole time.....hardly cries at all just a super good baby. He was 6 pounds 7 ounces 19 inches long.

Friday, September 3, 2010


So we are not officially telling people. I am 14 weeks pregnant. We wont find out if its a boy or girl until I am 20 weeks though. Tyler is really hoping for a boy. Which I guess thats how most husbands are. So they can go hiking and catch bugs and do man stuff. I wouldn't mind having a girl either. No matter what we are pretty sure it will have a lot of hair and fat checks. Which was what we both had when we were babies. The morning sickness has its good and bad days. I eat peanut butter, milk and dairy to help my stomach. It seems like since I have been pregnant my sence of smell is really good lately...a little too good actually. There are certain smells like fish, that make me really sick. I use to really like cherry tomatoes too , but because they smell wierd I cant eat them anymore :(. I am hoping that will go away once im not pregnant anymore. I am in the 2nd trimester now so i am hoping the sickness will start to go away. It hasnt been as bad as in the begining luckily. But we are really exited. I am due around march 3rd.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Washington/ Canada Trip!!!

So tyler's parents invited us to go on a trip to Washington and Vancouver Canada. We were gone for about a week. We stopped in Seattle Washington and went up to the space needle. We were going to go in the morning but it was super foggy . So we bought our tickets for the space needle and then went to the fish market. There were so many little stores people were selling flowers, and jewelery. The fish market had all kinds of fish . When someone bought something they would through it in the air and then wrap it for the customer. Some of of the little crabs were still moving around even though they had ice all over them. We walked on the pier and saw all the freighters carrying crates from china and all over. We got up pretty early so when we were walking around there were hobos everywhere. Some were laying in the park and stuff. We had our map out and one kept asking us if we were lost and needed help. Later that day we finally were able to go on top of the space needle. Luckily it had cleared up quite a bit so we were able to see out a ways. We also took the underground tour in Seattle. It burnt down and they wanted to rebuild it higher. But the businesses didn't want to wait that long to rebuild them. So they decided to build some of it and then they would just level it off once they had finished building the rest of the city. It was pretty cool to see all the old buildings. After spending some time in Washington crossed the border into Vancouver Canada. I was really exited because I have never been to Canada before. Tyler served his mission In New Newfoundland and that area and has always really loved Canada. There were tons of HUGE trees. Which were covered in mushrooms and moss. It was cloudy pretty much every day and it even drizzled a little once. It was a really nice break from the utah weather. I loved all the trees and mountains everywhere it was so beautiful. We went to the Vancouver aquarium which was really cool. They had shows where the dolphins, seals, and beluga whales would do tricks. The seals would always growl whenever they wanted fish. It was super crowded with people around the otter tanks. But he decided to swim up and say hi to us. We went on several hikes some you had to walk on a boardwalk they made because the ground was so swampy. Tyler tried to find some bugs. Which he was actually pretty successful. He found a really cool moth which had red winds and a green body. He also found a pretty cool beetle. Because it was so damp and swampy there were tons of banana slugs...and they are huge. I almost stepped on them a couple of times. They are yellow and black and we saw some other kinds of slugs as well. Just crawling on the ground getting ready to get stepped on. On one of the hikes we saw some deer. They were just walking around the parking lot waiting to get fed. I guess they were so use to people feeding them so they weren't very wild anymore. We also saw a bear. Someone pointed it out to us on the hike. Luckily he was far away. But I still didn't want to stick around very long. Some people told the ranger but she didnt seem that worried about it. She said as long as the bear wasn't hurting anyone it was fine. While we were out hiking we saw the largest red ceder. I could barley put my arms around it. The tree seemed like it needed a hug so i did since i am a tree healer after all! After that we took the ferry to Vancouver Island. Tyler saw some dolphins and the fin of a whale... Its really hard to tell with all the waves in the ocean...I wasn't able to see anything but I did see some fat harbor seals. One of my favorite parts was the beach! We were able to find some pretty cool shells and even saw some critters. There were tons of star fish all over the rocks, which were super slimy. So you had to be really careful so that you wouldn't fall in. We also saw some crabs which we think were probably dead. Since they were on there backs. And the remains of some jelly fish...which the birds had half eaten. We saw quite a few otters off in the distance. They would stay on top of the surface and then dunk back down. We went to the butchart gardens which was really cool. They had all kinds of flowers and plants. There were waterfalls and ponds. In the garden there were Chilean rubbarb and the leaves were huge. There were also some little multi colored flowers which I was exited to see because I had seen them in Chile on my mission. On the was back to Seattle we stopped in Forks home of Twilight. There were so many dazzled by twilight stores. I was surprised by how many fans there were walking around with Twilight t-shirts. They even had tour buses. We stopped at on of the stores and Tylers mom bought some souvenirs. We also stopped by a free museum. They had really cool shells from all over the world. But what was the highlight for Tyler was the alligator man. They had a little ancient alligator with a shrunken mans head on it. They also had just a shrunken head. Which was "real" supposedly. I really had my doubts about that one. We would stay at a hotel and then see some of the sights around that area and then move to a new area the next day. Some of the hotels even had pools and I was able to talk Tyler into sitting in the hot tub with me :) The drive home was a 13 hour trip. Tyler and I took turns sleeping on each other. I probably shouldn't have slept so much because that night I had a really hard time getting to sleep. It was a really fun trip. We saw a lot of really cool and interesting stuff.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

hiking for fossiles

The past couple of weeks Tyler and I have gone fossil hunting with his parent. I even found my I even found a cephalopod like the one above, Tyler was using his rock hammer to chip out some other fossibles and I saw something in the rock that looked like a cephalopod. Tyler didnt think it was anything at first...but I was able to pull it out and it looks alot like the picture above. The next weekend we went to another "secret" place where we found horn coral. There was tons of them in the rocks. It was alot harder to break the rock around these rocks....because the type of rock they are in is a lot harder.... We hiked up a hill and then on the side of the trail there was a huge wall of rock that had tons of horn coral in them. It was really cool. I was really surprised that I was able to hike at all since my leg has been hurting lately. I hurt it when i slipped on the ice when I was younger and has gotten worse ever since. There were even times when I couldn't walk on it at all. But thanks to the chiropractor I am hiking, running and even water skiing again. After looking for fossils that day my legs were so tired. I got sun burnt really bad on my neck and arms. Which is weird because we all put sun screen on and I was the only one that got burnt. I had to put lotion all over and that helped a lot. Karole ( my mother in law) said she found a tick. Luckily we didn't find anymore... when we got home we double checked for ticks. Tyler has become a professional fossil hunter. When we came home we labeled them and put them in boxes . Separating them from the different places that we found the fossils.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sugar cookies

Yesterday Tyler and I decided that we needed something sweet so We decided to make sugar cookies. He helped me mix up all the ingredients....and he even blended them together with our little electric mixer. We had one cookie cutter that was a heart with an arrow through it...which was all we had so I decided to try and use that cookie cutter on the last batch. At first they were way to sticky and then after we floured them down the heart turned out but after they were cooked the arrow didn't turn up at all. But they still tasted pretty good. Tyler was telling me that whenever his mom made sugar cookies she always cuts them out with a cookie cutter... so i thought i'd try it. We have these little black shelves on our wall and there use to be Christmas decorations on them. We took the Christmas stuff down and Tyler thought that his Mafia man should go there instead. He has a gun and whenever anyone walks by it he raises his gun and it makes shooting noises. Well I completely forgot about this so when I went to wash off the counter the Mafia man started making shooting noises....scared me really bad. I convinced Tyler to turn him off so I don't have anymore heart attacks.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

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this is a picture of one of the cephalopods it was in a rock that was too big to take home. But we did find some others that weren't too bad. They are shells that have left an imprint in the rocks.
Tyler is really into looking for fossils. So we decided to go...to a secret location which i cannot say to look for them. We found some pretty good ones. But they were on bigger rocks that there was no way we could get them home. We did however find a few rocks that you could see the imprints of little shells pretty well. My leg was hurting pretty bad so I had to sit down while Tyler looked around for cephalopods. After we went to a place called "the Chilean deli" I was kind of missing good old Chilean food since I served my mission there about 2 years ago. We got empanadas. Tyler got a cheese one and I got the traditional empanada which has hamburger onions and eggs in it. And for dessert we had alfajores....which were sooooo good. And another treat which im not sure what it is called. But its in a pastery that lookes like an icecream cone with manar and coconut on top. Which was also especially delicious.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

When bobs attack

So tyler and I have recently purchased fish. We use to have just 2 Powdered Blue Guorami named Toby and Bart ( from the simpsons and the office) but Toby passed away and we had to have a toilet flushing ceremony.
We had to go to bird world and buy some new replacement fish. Which if your looking for fish bird world is a thousand times better than petsmart or petco they know what they are talking about. So we have Bart the blue fish. "the bob's" the otto cats which are algae eater and just suck on the window and plants. Patty which is the bigger red fish with darker fins and loki the little red fish. Bart has the tendency to pick on the other fish. He will sit still in the tank and start to look over at his prey and then dart at them as fast as he can. He doesnt actually bite them he just enjoys chasing them. His favorite fish to chase by far is Patty. We sometimes put algae wafers in the tank for the fish to eat. They are just little round pieces of algae that sit at the bottom of the tank. Bart likes to sit on top of them and guard them so no one else can eat them. Usually the bob's have never taken any interest in the algae wafers. But since we've gotten two they are alot more active and like eating the wafers.
One day when we had put a wafer in the water bart went to guard it as usually but eventually got bored of it. So one of the bob's started to eat it. That made bart mad so he charged him. The bob 1 saw bart attacked bob 2 and got on top of bart and started attacking him. Even patty is starting to stand up to bart. Which is good because if she didnt she probably wouldnt eat. Even though bart is a bully there are still fish who will stand up to him.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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