Thursday, April 22, 2010

When bobs attack

So tyler and I have recently purchased fish. We use to have just 2 Powdered Blue Guorami named Toby and Bart ( from the simpsons and the office) but Toby passed away and we had to have a toilet flushing ceremony.
We had to go to bird world and buy some new replacement fish. Which if your looking for fish bird world is a thousand times better than petsmart or petco they know what they are talking about. So we have Bart the blue fish. "the bob's" the otto cats which are algae eater and just suck on the window and plants. Patty which is the bigger red fish with darker fins and loki the little red fish. Bart has the tendency to pick on the other fish. He will sit still in the tank and start to look over at his prey and then dart at them as fast as he can. He doesnt actually bite them he just enjoys chasing them. His favorite fish to chase by far is Patty. We sometimes put algae wafers in the tank for the fish to eat. They are just little round pieces of algae that sit at the bottom of the tank. Bart likes to sit on top of them and guard them so no one else can eat them. Usually the bob's have never taken any interest in the algae wafers. But since we've gotten two they are alot more active and like eating the wafers.
One day when we had put a wafer in the water bart went to guard it as usually but eventually got bored of it. So one of the bob's started to eat it. That made bart mad so he charged him. The bob 1 saw bart attacked bob 2 and got on top of bart and started attacking him. Even patty is starting to stand up to bart. Which is good because if she didnt she probably wouldnt eat. Even though bart is a bully there are still fish who will stand up to him.